Educational Resources

The following links are all about education. I've collected them while doing a distant education course at McGill. I relied on the Internet for my research as I lived in an isolated village. These sites are up-to-date (Aug 8, 2001), and make for some interesting reading... if only we had more time, and had solid eyes!
I've been asked about New Zealand sites for teachers, and feel it important that we link these. Here are some, but if you find more, please let
me know.

 Education Journals | New Zealand Teaching | Gifted Education
Accelerated Learning | SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities) | ADHD

Education Journals

The Chronicle of Higher Education This site will help you with your university educational research.

Professional Competency Continuum You can download the article in .pdf format, or read it in HTML text. The Professional Competency Continuum assesses teachers' technological skills, asserting that the success of any technology program in any school is entirely dependent upon the ability of teachers to employ it.

Heartbearts on the Internet Bilingual educator Kristin Brown presents a four-part article, with resources, on using education and the internet to pursue global learning activities and projects in an effort to "deepen the curriculum". Read about this special project, its concepts, goals, execution and outcome, and be inspired!

Multiple Intelligences These pages on multiple intelligence theory and Howard Gardner offer concise explanationson the seven faculties used, autonomously or together, when we approach learning.

The Nuts and Folts of Multiage classrooms: Here is a good place to start your research for multiage classroom resources. It includes definitions, setups, re- search to support multiage settings, curriculum resources across all subjects (including multiage writing workshops, spelling and math programs--loads here), classroom manage- ment and organization techniques, and much, much more.

Links to a variety of resources in Educational Technology and Distance Education Links to a variety of resources in Educational Technology and Distance Education

INFOBITS is an electronic service of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Center for Instructional Technology. Each month the CIT's Information Resources Consultant monitors and selects from a number of information technology and instructional technology sources that come to her attention and provides brief notes for electronic dissemination to educators.

Times Higher Education Supplement Internet Service  The newspaper for everyone involved in higher education, research and training, anywhere in the world.

Australian page Did you want to know what is happening in Australia in terms of education?

Education World Where educators go to learn... that's the motto. They have a database for your search. A journal for the educators in us!

Bilingual Education & Technology From the publication Virtual Power, you can read interviews with bilingual educators and the concerns and challenges they face, dealing with bilingual education and technology as they move into the 21st century.

Enriching Compensatory Education for the Disadvantages Students While some traditional methods of dealing with low achievers have been to separate them and stress basic skill education at a slower learning rate, this article examines how such treatments only lower learning expectations and label such students as inferior. Nor does it suggest that pullout activities are the answer; students pulled for remedial reading may altogether miss science or other core curriculum lessons. Read the sound advice offered in this excellent article for achieving a balanced and worthy education for disadvantaged students.

Awesome Library - We get more visitors from this site than any other, and it's easy to see why. The Awesome Library is just that - an awesome collection of education resources organized in very useful and specific subject-based lists. Better yet, they divide their recommended sites by category - lesson plans, curriculum, lists, articles, etc. - so you can be more specific in your search.

Busy Educator's Guide to the World Wide Web - a Web site from the author of the book by the same name, this site has a newsletter, lots of hints on using the Internet, book reviews, and links to other education sites.

ED's Oasis - It recommends and highlight the best Internet educational sites.

Adventures of Cyberbee Maintained by Linda Joseph, author of the book "Net Curriculum: An Educator's Guide to Using the Internet." Not only does this site offer curriculum ideas, they also have a variety of "how to" tutorials, Web links, and treasure hunts.

New Zealand Teaching

Teaching Online Welcome to the web pages of starters & strategies teacher's magazine featuring lessons, information and resources for New Zealand teachers

Teacher's at Work This is a New Zealand teacher's site. Take a look at NZ's education.

Music in NZ New Zealand Society for Music Education-- magazine, conference listing, all levels of music in the curriculum

Learning Media The polace to find out more of what is going in NZ schools. Also, school vacancies are posted here.

NZ Education Information: A collection of NZ-based links for NZ schools.

The TEFA Primary Technology Education Resources Project Primary Technology Education Resources

New Zealand Learning Network This is a web resource for teachers that has been developed from two New Zealand-wide research projects that examined the ethical use of the Internet in our schools and health and safety issues with computer use

Te Kete Ipurangi - The Online Learning Centre This is the first bilingual (English and Maori) teaching site. It is becoming considered the place to go for educationalists.

NZ Education Gazette/Gazette Online Searching for a teaching job? THis is where I went, and found a job from Canada.

Australian Global Learning Centres - suitable for NZ Social Studies.This site fits the NZ Social Studies Curriculum, especially the Values Exploration process and the Place and Environment strand.The teaching resources (for loan and sale) cover a broad range of global social and environmental issues. 

Gifted Education

Gifted and Talented (TAG) Resources Home Page  A good place to start your search

ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education ERIC is always a great place to look for information

Resources Home Page for Gifted Students Pennsylvania Association for Gifted Education

Accelerated Learning

Accelerated learning  You have read about Accelerated Learning but how do you put it into action?

The Center for New Discoveries in Learning - Finding solutions for ADD, ADHD, dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

Association for Experiential Education (AEE) Home Page The mission of the Association for Experiential Education is to develop and promoteexperiential education in all settings.  The Association is committed to support professional development, theoretical advancement, and evaluation in the field of experiential education  worldwide.

 SLD: Special Learning disabilities

Learning Disability Association (U.S.) Our purpose is to advance the education and general welfare of children and adults of normal or potentially normal intelligence who  manifest disabilities of a perceptual, conceptual, or coordinative nature.Essay on Learning Strategies

Site linking many educational sites about LD etc Heaps and heaps of links....

INTSEP Dist Ed LD The Institute of Special Education of the University of Fribourg is maintaining a research project on the question of Integration called "IntSep" (INTegration vs SEParation) since the middle of the eighties.

The Center for New Discoveries in Learning - Finding solutions for ADD, ADHD, dyslexia and other learning disabilities.


ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER--DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT, AND STRATEGIES: "This ADHD resource is for parents, teachers, and students. All sites have research-based facts from recognized medical experts. All information is either written by physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.

Teaching Strategies by Drs. Ratey and Hallowell Tips for teachers by noted authors Dr. John Ratey and Dr. Edward Hallowell. Dr. Hallowell understands the needs of the ADHD student extremely well, since he also has ADHD."

National Attention Deficit Disorder Association: It is a very comprehensive site with information on all aspects of ADHD in articles by doctors, parents, and adults with ADHD. There is a section just for kids [ages] 7-12, a family issues forum with advice from healthcare professionals and parents, educational strategies, personal success stories, a section which addresses legal issues, and links to other websites.

Kids' Site from NADDA A website for kids 7-12, produced by the National Attention Deficit Disorder Association.

Internet Mental Health Organization The Internet Mental Health Organization offers a comprehensive site (English and Spanish) with descriptions (American and European) of ADHD, the Surgeon General's Report, an online diagnosis, treatment, research, online booklets, magazine articles, and Internet links.

On Health On Health is an organization of 46 doctors who give information on ADHD physiology, symptoms, causes, and treatment. They give facts about research studies on the effectiveness of medication and behavior modification, and links to 200 additional articles on ADD/ADHD.

Nemours Foundation This site is produced by the Nemours Foundation. Articles are categorized by intended audience: parents, teen, and young children. Topics include physiology, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, coexistent disorders, treatment, and helpful suggestions.

Discovery Health Topics covered are: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prognosis, duration, and treatment. Doctors answer questions about hyperactivity, learning disabilities, medication (citing specific research statistics on the effectiveness of medications), and food additives.








LDACLearning Disabilities Association Of Canada

Reading Center:Preventing Reading Problems

SERI - Special Education Resources on the Internet  Special Education Resources on the Internet (SERI) is a collection of Internet accessible information resources of interest to those involved in the fields related to Special Education.

LD Resources Resources for People with Learning Disabilities.

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email me!Email the Crumbmaster is you have any questions about these projects.

This page was updated, and checked for links on August 8, 2001